女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(二-最终章)(7)


The door bell soon rang and Amber ordered Kelly to get the door. As soon as Carrie was inside Kelly dropped to her knees and began kissing her feet. Miss Amber walked downstairs and saw the sight and could only admire it for a moment. It was really a beautiful sight the formerly pampered rich girl was now worshipping the feet of the former slave. The role reversal had taken full effect. As soon as Shawna noticed that Miss Amber had come downstairs she almost dove at her feet and also began kissing her feet. Amber was happy to have Shawna back, she had missed her and truthfully did not enjoy having to train Kelly however it had to be done. Miss Amber made her way out to the back yard, it was a beautiful day outside and so decided it would be a great idea to get some tanning in. Carrie followed and then the two slaves crawled behind them. Miss Amber got comfortable on her lounge chair and ordered Kelly to pull her mothers lounge chair over for Miss Carrie to use. Once Miss Amber got comfortable she ordered Shawna to massage her feet and then asked Shawna how last night went. Shawna replied "I am very glad to be able to help Miss Carrie get comfortable being dominant, she has been a great friend so it was an honor to serve her." Miss Amber was very pleased, she then said "Kelly don't you have something to say to Miss Carrie?" Kelly responded "Miss Carrie I am very sorry about the way I treated you, now that I have realized my true place in life I have decided that my only place in life is at your feet as your slave. If you will have me I would like to serve you for the rest of my life." Miss Carrie replied looking more beautiful then ever after an evening of pampering "Its about time slave that you realized that I'm so much better than me. Yes you will be my slave for the rest of your life and I am going to enjoy bossing you around." For the rest of the day Miss Amber and Miss Carrie enjoyed the usual pampering. However they had a great time getting to know each other on a more equal level then before. By the end of the day Miss Amber and Miss Carrie were very close, and they were both looking forward to spending much more time together, however they both knew that Miss Carrie had some business to take care of back at Kelly's parents house. So Miss Carrie and Kelly left Miss Amber's house at 6pm after dinner.? nvwang.icu

Kelly drove back to her family's house while Miss Carrie sat in the back seat reflecting on the happenings of the day. She finally broke the silence by saying very matter of factly "Kelly when we get home you will announce to your mother and father what your new role in life is. Its about time that your family know what kind of person you really are." Kelly simply replied "Yes Miss Carrie." Carrie was really getting the hang of being in charge and after hearing what had happened to Shawna's mom she wanted to try and get Kelly's parents to submit also. Kelly's dad much like Shawna's father worked a lot and was not home when Miss Carrie and Kelly got home. Carrie got comfortable on the sofa in the living room while Kelly went to get her mother who was upstairs. When they got downstairs Kelly's mom Tiffany sat in the chair across from the sofa where Miss Carrie was sitting and Kelly kneeled at Carrie's feet. Shocked at the sight Tiffany of course wanted to know what was going on right away. Carrie simply tapped Kelly's face with her foot, which Kelly knew was a signal to answer the question. Kelly then answered her mother "mom I've just recently discovered that I am an extremely submissive person, and that it is my lot in life is to serve a superior women, Carrie. As you know Carrie use to be my slave but I soon realized that things would work out a lot better if things were the other way around. I hope that you are ok with this decision, but if your not I don't care. I am very happy being Miss Carrie's slave. And in fact I would be thrilled if you decided that you would like to join in the fun. I really mistreated Miss Carrie when we were in our old relationship and have vowed to make her life as easy as possible, and two slaves is always better then one. Look I know you would do anything to make me happy and this is the last thing I will ever ask you to do, I promise!" Carrie could not believe the transformation that Kelly had made in two short days. She was now asking her mother to join her in slavery. Miss Carrie had no objections, why the heck would she turn down another slave. Little did Carrie know what she was in store for. Tiffany sat there and thought for a few minutes, while Kelly sat massaging Miss Carrie's feet. Then Tiffany broke the silence by asking kelly "This is really what you want for the rest of you life?" Carrie patted the side of her face with her foot allowing her to answer and Kelly simply said "Yes." Tiffany continued "Then this is what I want also." She then got up from the chair that she was sitting in and got on her knees. She then kissed Miss Carrie's free foot and said "Miss Carrie I would like to be your slave as well if you will have me? I beg you to move into the master bed room and tomorrow we will have to take you shopping for a whole new wardrobe of designer cloths. Kelly and I can get maids uniforms if you like." What a crazy night Carrie thought then she answered Tiffany "Tiffany you may be my slave and I love your idea of taking me shopping tomorrow. I love innovative slaves. But now that you have submitted to me life will not be easy for you. I'm going to bed, come sleep on the floor at my feet and wake me at 8:30am by licking my feet. We will begin your training tomorrow Tiffany."?
  • 标签:lets(1) talked(1) slipping(1) slapped(1) ran(1) room(1) picked(1) mall(1)


